{my current notes on a few things I have been following this month: web3, digital health, and a changed workforce}
New directions for digital healthcare In the past two years we have seen rapid cycles of innovation, deployment and deliveries of health care technologies that would have been difficult imagine even 5 years ago – but is 2022 going to be the big year during which we learn about what actually works in digital health? For example, there has been a rapid expansion of insurance coverage for remote patient monitoring, like the remote collection (use connected sensors) of patient blood pressure, weight, or blood glucose levels measurements in both public and private insurance systems – for example my healthcare provider offered me a full year of access to both apple fitness plus and peloton. This is a really great step forward using digital technology and tools to help improve the life and the experience of those who engage with the health care systems …. But now is perhaps the time to look at all of this data to find out, learn and reflect on how well these tools work and for whom? I think success in health tech will be measured in how the existing health care system improves in quality, patient-centricity, and convenience using these insights and driving the vision of a digital health future. NFTs in the mainstream (finally) driving crypto adoption? It turns out that 2021 saw a huge spike in the creation and sale of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) as People bought and traded NFTs of everything from contemporary art to images of apes and a giant tungsten cube . In many ways, I think there’s nothing new here since NFTs provides just a sort of digital deed to establish the ownership of a certain good. They make it possible to assign and transfer ownership of digital assets like digital art and music, they make clear who the owners are. In addition, NFTs are programmable, which makes it possible to expand their features, as a result, their value over time. As more mainstream brands and artists continue to popularize NFTs in 2022 and with marketplaces like OpenSea and Coinbase NFT coming up in 2022, these products will become significantly more accessible to consumers. Most importantly, NFTs have already proven that they can bootstrap communities of consumers and capture the public’s imagination in a way that cryptocurrency mostly hasn’t. The demand for NFTs is already driving innovation to make crypto wallet technology to more intuitive and better protected for consumers, which makes it more likely that NFTs will finally help take crypto mainstream. A new and changed workforce In 2021, most companies have viewed the evolutions caused by the Pandemic as an anomaly. They were wrong. Covid actually has accelerated many underlying trends that were latent in the labor market before the onset of the pandemic. Companies will now have to account for them in their human resource strategy. I think the disruption is far beyond what most imagine. The workforce cultural makeup post-pandemic and the supply-demand imbalance is becoming a permanent feature on recruiting which is going to make companies have to re-engineer basically everything in recruiting and retention, in particular working much harder in reducing turnover as many people reconsider the role of work in their lives. Most importantly, firms depending on creative and knowledge workers will be better served to consider how they can reshape their job descriptions to retain talent fed up with fulfilling various corporate process “requirements” and “culture compliance” to make themselves attractive to a new and powerful class of gig workers with world-class skills.
In my previous note, I have been discussing that we’re in 2022 at an inflection point with the future of work, digital nomadism combined with the rapid maturing of web3-associated technologies, that is most likely already altering the fabric of society. I made the personal choice to sit at the confluence this web3, DeFi and blockchain rapidly evolving technology wave – simply because the developments in web3, including NFTs, decentralized storage, computing power, digital currencies, in other words distributed ledger tech definitely help creators to opt and enjoy the benefits of ownership, empowerment and overall, 360 degrees decentralization – away from Silicon Valley, California and its trappings (at least for me and my fam). I'm super proud to be part of the @usebraintrust movement where we are building a better future of work for everyone! And this $100M of $BTRST is for all of us. Come and build with us! $BTRST #web3 1. (Finally) an unparalleled explosion of AI From generative pre-trained transformer models and digital twins to synthetic data, mini machine learning models run at the edge of specialized AI embedded silicon, in 2022 I sense that AI is finally maturing – we’re finally moving with general deep learning and neural networks to the benefit of no- and low-code platforms with advanced robotic process automation, for example GPT-3 is already used to write code faster, which in turn makes jobs less monotonous and more focused on the fun part which is creation. 2. Decentralized finance is here to disrupt a lot more industries! Thanks to the current popular focus on NFTs, DeFi is already creating a lot more opportunities for people to take their financial lives back into their own hands: because non-fungible tokens make it possible to prove ownership of a digital asset, regardless of what that asset is, and once we can prove ownership, that asset become tradable and exchangeable to drive economic growth. This characteristic in itself, amongst others specific to NFTs, are redefining our economic system in 2022:
NFTs have the potential to redefine the existing financial infrastructure by displacing the existing incumbents. For example, today banks make a lot of profit by selling, reselling and insuring real estate mortgages linked to land properties. Now imagine that you can replace any real-world asset (real estate, car, art, etc.) with any digital asset linked to an NFT and replace the bank with smart contracts: this is decentralized finance (simplified). In addition to this, NFTs bring completely new ways of earning an income: once you have earned, minted, or bought an NFT, you can rent it out, borrow against it, license it, sell it, package it, insure it …. In other words, make money with it. So, it’s fair game to play to earn (no pun), read to earn, think to earn, stream to earn, in fact, whatever-you-come-up-with to earn. As a result, DAOs will enable any community to come together - empowering content creators, crypto owners and innovators to make money without the involvement of traditional financial institutions. 3. Enter the metaverse and the future of (mostly remote) work Let’s say that 2025 is the new 1995 and that the metaverse is going to have the same impact on society that the first and second internets have had for the past two decades. As the required tech to move from a centralized to decentralized web is getting closer to be fully ready (I’ve already talked about the software, now the hardware like AR and VR headsets is making leaps forward, see what Sony announced at CES 2022 for PS5 or the MR headsets from Apple). This is going to completely change the way with socialize, live and work. As an example, as people have reflected during the pandemic on their lives, valuing more family time and having seen the benefits of remote work, reduced commute time and the ability to focus more on projects they’re passionate about, are no longer geographically bound to work where they live. This is good, as now more than ever, the world is your oyster. And the same applies to those startups and companies fully embracing remote work. They, too, are able to fish in a much bigger talent pool. And as remote working technologies are becoming more advanced and intuitive, because of the metaverse, where collaboration across the digital highway can become the norm. Let me know what you think!
My name's phil mora and I write about the things I love fitness, hacking work, tech and anything holistic. Head of Product thinker, doer, designer, coder, leader. As I am re-centering my attention more into technology and product this year and shifting back to my passions, I found myself on my flight back from Europe, where I was spending the holidays with family, thinking of the new year ahead and how I would work towards my next adventure. The pandemic has brought lots of very exciting changes to the way we live and work (for example, work isn’t a place anymore, which is a game changer) and I was wondering what these changes would mean for me and the fab teams I have the honor to work with. See, every year I gamefully challenge myself connect the dots by listing all my intuitions in tech and work culture trends and project them into the future – see what pans out correctly across 12 months. This year I am going to try to predict 3 macro trends and for the first time ever, to write about it! And yes, I promise, this is super fun. The benefits of career polygamy. I read about that concept as early as 2017. Here's the dream: you love your job; love your boss and you love the company you work for. And they love you right back. And you can see a great future together lasting many years because, well, who would want to ever leave such a beautiful relationship? But the reality of course is less rosy. Sometimes they don't love you back. Sometimes they start to take you for granted. Sometimes you find yourself stifled and yearning for something more, even if you can't specifically define what that "something" is. This is the self-imposed dilemma of the person who makes a full commitment to one career at a time, one employer at a time. It can feel comforting and secure, (until it isn't). I am almost certain that the next evolution of talent is polygamous careers to transform the corporate world as we know it – and it’s probably already there, thanks to the rapid and giant advances in remote and hybrid work tech and culture of the past two years. See, I am pretty sure that nobody’s brain is confined to a single interest or skill. Yet the traditional pre-pandemic labor market has been “one job at a time” … but aren’t we most happy when all our many interests and skills are fully utilized, both personally and professionally, instead of us being singularly utilized? The desire to generate income and feel fulfilled from multiple projects will increase retention (you don't leave a job if your "other interests" are being fulfilled elsewhere), increase workplace productivity (no more face time…people will be busier and more efficient), and help many projects and companies engage top talent that would otherwise be out of reach. I had a similar thought on the future of work about 10 years ago when I was envisioning that work soon will be like how movies are made – assemble a team to make the movie then we the movie is completed the team moves on to the next project. Your career then becomes a portfolio of projects, whether you’re a cast director, an actor, a designer, engineer or salesperson. I now think this is there: check Braintrust, a platform network that is talent-owned, and where any company can engage a group of freelancers and directly work with a coordinated team directly, no middleman. Also check for example a startup like Polywork, which is a 2020’s take on LinkedIn that builds out your profile at the more granular project and achievement level rather than the job level The New Global Nomad(ism). I think that we have entered the era of nomadic life and work and personally, I absolutely love it. When I graduated from Stanford, I was living in a house in Sunnyvale with a set of “Friends”-style roommates on a two-year lease. My first job was at a startup in Silicon Valley. There was zero notion of remote work, and pretty much life and work were a place, city, region … Fast forward to post-pandemic 2022, most startups are remote-friendly or remote-only: work is not a place anymore. There is a flurry of dwelling and office swapping/renting platforms and networks that enable us to go, live and work at different locations for weeks or months at a time. As a result, I sense that more and more professionals of any age can, and will today, choose to live their lives between a set of rented or swapped spaces around the world, working remotely (that said I am sensing this is going to be just around a few time zones, based on my experience of the past 10 years it’s challenging to be more than a few time zones away from your team members). Such experiences and diverse immersion in new communities and cultures can profoundly change lives and foster the creativity, openness to diversity and self-exploration that truly enriches personal and professional lives. I sense that any company that jumps on the opportunity to deliver the kind of products, platforms and networks that can make this more affordable and accessible to all will be amongst the winners of this decade. On a side note, new companies will definitely (and are now) be built for this new reality but can old companies evolve to a culture and set of practices that work with this new way of life? For example, both Apple and Amazon have had to back off their directives to return to the office in 2021 while Square and Adobe went fully remote, growing the chasm between companies that are and aren’t willing to accommodate. Personalization while preserving trust. For the past 10 years, I have been a huge fan of using data and machine learning to foster hyper-personalized experiences and bring product delight to our customers. But in the era of GDPR and CCPA, the trend of privacy and opting out of ads is here to stay. Enter generative AI and synthetic datasets. In fact, artificial intelligence today is already making personalization so incredibly compelling that already an opt-out is becoming the equivalent of going to a restaurant and be served random food. As a matter of fact, I am certain that hyper-personalization has already become the new advertising, and everybody really appreciates it – whether your local coffee shop knowing you by name or stich fix being real good at suggesting your next spring outfit or DoorDash flagging food choices you’re allergic to. So now, the solution to building data-driven customer relationships without implicit data harvesting is design, design, design, a lot of synthetic artificial intelligence magic and policies that aren’t at the expense of privacy and security. Let me know what you think!
My name's phil mora and I write about the things I love fitness, hacking work, tech and anything holistic. Head of Product thinker, doer, designer, coder, leader |
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